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Excavating a Residential Complex at Xnoha- 2014 Season, Session 1: A Photo Journal

The following photographs were taken durring the first week of Session 1 (May 28th through the 31st to be exact) of the Maya Research Program's 2014 season of excavation at the site of Xnoha. The crew I worked with under the direction of Hannah Plummer, excavated a residential structure numbered Xnoha 1302. All photgraphs taken by Chris Layser, Casey Homes, and the other crew and volunteers at 1302.

Me and Canadian Explorer/Author Adam Shoalts in the back of one of the MRP pickup trucks, driving through Mennonite farm county of Belize, Orange Walk district, on the way to the site of Xnoha.

The bouncy morning drive, four-wheeling towards the edge of the jungle, which can be seen off in the distance, and beyond...the unexcavated Maya city of Xnoha.

Spider Monkeys and Howler Monkeys- constant companions overhead

Laying out 1m x 1m units with San Philipe resident and MRP associate Pete Montanya.

Humic layer

lots of root cutting in session 1

Slow progress through the surface layers-

though we did find a broken matate (grind stone) just below the surface indicating late post-classic occupation.

The crew of Xnoha unit 1302 pauses from labor for a photo. (Univerisity of Delaware Anthopolgy graduate Casey Homes in center.)

Crew leader, PHd candidate Hannah Plummer on left, as Pete shovels.

revealed architecture at last!

Removing dirt

The walls of the residence begin to be uncovered

Group shot


A corner? or collapse?

under the tarp during a tropical downpour

A family would have shared this rom

Several Obsidian blades were found among the ceramics at this site

Special finds- on the left is a tool the Maya would have used as a base in the process of moulding clay into the shape of a pot, as they obviously did not have a pottery wheel. the object on the right is a spindol used in the weaving of textiles.

Adam Shoalts examining the progress at Structure Xnoha 1302 after the first week of excavation.


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