Who Am I?
Welcome to Skyhenge Archaeology, a blog concerning archaeology, archaeoatronomy, and ethnoastonomy, with a focus on New World Cultural Astronomy. My name is Chris Layser; I am a graduate student enrolled in the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales-Trinity Saint David, a member of the Penn Museum Pre-Columbian Society, and an avocational volunteer archaeologist with the Maya Research Program with excavation experience in the Eastern United States and Northwestern Belize.
I live under the dark skies of rural Pennsylvania with my beautiful wife Misti and three golden retrievers: Chewbacca, Indiana, and Olivia.

The aim of this blog is to regularly post on the differing ways that ancient societies viewed and used the sky. In the upcoming weeks, updates will include Maya E-Group architectural assemblages of Belize and Guatemala, Hohokam Observatories of southern Arizona, burial practices of the Shenk's Ferry Culture from southern Pennsylvania, Woodhenge observatories of the eastern Native Americans, and calendar monuments from Pre-Incan Peru. Some entries will be scientific in nature, others may read like a travelogue; a few may be speculative, and others may just recount the current state of my studies. It is my hope that all of them will be enjoyable.